3rd March

March 2025 Special Tea Offers

Reginald Ames is offering a 30% discount on a great selection of fantastic loose leaf teas and blends for this month, in 1kg packs. Place your order between the 3rd and 31st March to receive your discount.

Reginald Ames is offering a 30% discount on a great selection of fantastic loose leaf teas and blends for this month, in 1kg packs.

Place your order between the 3rd and 31st March to receive your discount.

[email protected]

01732 351 489 




22000 - Jasmine Ying Zhen

22000 - Jasmine Ying Zhen Flavour: Jasmine, light

This white tea is produced by the imperial plucking method, performed at dawn on just two days of the year. During the manufacture, the leaf is laid intertwined with Jasmine blossom so that the delicate jasmine scent is absorbed by the tea. The liquor is light and bright with a beautiful jasmine scent.

Brew with freshly drawn boiled water and leave to cool for 2 minutes, then infuse for 3-5 mins


30600 - Formosa Dung Ting Flavour: Smooth, buttery

30600 - Formosa Dung Ting
Flavour: Smooth, buttery

The leaf is green and rolled, similar in appearance to Chinese Tie Kuan Yin style oolongs. The tea is light and bright with fine yellow liquor. The flavour is light, buttery and smooth.

Brew with freshly drawn boiled water and leave to cool for 2 minutes, then infuse for 3-5 minutes.


71600 - Afternoon BOP

71600 - Afternoon BOP
Flavour: Light, refreshing
Blended from the finest orthodox teas from Assam, Nilgiri, and Africa by our expert blenders. A light and refreshing drink ideal for enjoying in the afternoon.

Brew with freshly drawn boiled water and infuse for 3-5 minutes.


61160 - Peach with Flowers

61160 - Peach with Flowers
Flavour: Fruity, juicy, peach
A black leaf which is blended with marigold petals and scented with peach flavouring.

Brew with freshly drawn boiled water and infuse for 3-5 minutes.

Reginald Ames is offering a 30% discount on a great selection of fantastic loose leaf teas and blends for this month, in 1kg packs.

Place your order between the 3rd and 31st March to receive your discount.

[email protected]

01732 351 489